Monday, August 2, 2010


Today is the exact, 2 year anniversary of Rogan's diagnosis. We are thrilled to celebrate her health today... praise thanks to the many doctors & nurses along the way... and scream THANK YOU to all of our friends & family who have helped us get through this.

Last week we received an unbelievable donation towards Rogan's medical fund from UGG Australia. THANK YOU, love & respect to our family there; DARCEY BRINKERHOFF, CONNIE RISHWAIN & LEAH LARSON and everyone involved... we all cried and breathed sighs of relief when we got word.

Today we celebrate... takin' the day off & headed to the lake... then bar b & make a cake for our little chemo princess warrior. Thursday we head to clinic for her check up and IV chemo.

Rogan is lovin' Summer & not having to deal w/ a Broviac line.

Nature hike. Provo River Falls, Uinta Mountains.

nature hike

Basin rec splash park:


We made it down to Hatch, UT & spent a relaxing few days with Grandma Bonnie. Her Grandpa Roger was missed... but his spirit was strongly felt and we all had a blast.



Thanks to Nana Noo Noo, Aunt Chris & Paul Clark for also hosting us at Bear Lake. The water was warm and the girls loved it. Rogan is learning to swim and is obsessed with the water.




Warming up in the hot sand:


Coco ate sand... it made her happy, so she sang about it:

coco sand

Mom & Dad carved out some together time & re-charged the batteries:


Thanks again for reading and supporting Go Rogan.


ishybeanie said...

it was so good to see your little girls the other day, rogan in looking so good

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures,
glad you had a good time

Nicole said...

Just glad I get these updates. So stoked Rogan is doing great and think about you guys all of the time. Hopefully our paths will cross one day in the near future.