Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Sincere apologies for the lack of posts. Selfishly, for me, this blog has been a fantastic emotional outlet since diagnosis… but for some strange reason, after Rogan graduated from treatment, it felt really good NOT to write. To live without Cancer in our life… entirely.

"Normal"… disease free living. Ahhhh….

On September 30th 2010, Rogan received her final IV Chemo & Lumbar puncture.



The crew on hand of docs & nurses surprised her with a graduation goodie bag:


30 days later was her final oral chemo. It was evening time & Casey was at the store. I set up shop; mush with bananas, milk, water & and the daily dose / array of chemo pills… approximately 5 or 6. Split emotions: joyous relief VS disgust. I don't even like to take Advil. I took a picture of the pills, cried, gave them to Rogan, explained to her what this meant & took a few pictures & videos of her:

The Make-A-Wish Foundation helped us get to Maui to celebrate Rogan's life. Friends & family made the trip as well & we pulled off the vacation of a lifetime. Thank you.


Rogan turned 4 yesterday. She is amazing. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by family & friends that supported us through this… and celebrate every day. RESPECT.

Last Summer, our good friend Jerry Ricciotti, along with his brother Danny & cousin Joe; road bicycles across the nation to raise awareness for Rogan's fight and to raise funds to assist us with her medical bills. Forever grateful.

Jerry came to visit us last week... delivered Elmo & Cookie Monster kits for the gals and thankfully shot some priceless photos & video. What a hero.





Katherine Lewis said...

Wow. Nothing like a good morning cry to start your day. Beautiful post, Corey. I can't believe it's over. Rogan looks so perfectly happy and healthy. She and Coco are two of the most beautiful little girls out there. I can't believe what your little family has been through and how strong and steadfast you remained. You only got closer. What an example and inspiration you are to all of us. Thanks for posting! We love you!

ishybeanie said...

your all amazing, it was so good seeing you all this christmas. way to go Rogan!!!!

Julianne said...

NO MO CHEMO. I am so insanely thrilled for your family! I can't believe what you have been through over the past 2.5 years. You Crawfords are so STRONG. Thanks so much for posting... Those videos are priceless.


Currie said...

Awesome!! We're so excited for you, Casey, CoCo and especially Rogan. You all have lived through a nightmare! You all took on what blows you were dealt and fought hard and long and have come out so strong and happy. We're headed for PC soon over Feb break, would love to catch up with you all.


That is so emotional. Words don't suffice for the happiness and relief I feel right now or your family. I hope Rogan had a wonderful birthday!

Beth said...

So amazing that this episode of your lives is over. I cried tears of joy watching these videos. You guys are awesome. Congratulations Rogan on No more chemo.

Love ya

kristy clark said...

Beautiful pictures! I think you guys can accomplish anything you put your mind to, you are all amazing

suzan said...

I keep coming back and watching the "NO MO CHEMO" video over and over again! Even though I cry every single time. I think it is so precious! I just love you all so so much and there are no words to express how happy I am that you have reached this point. WOO HOOOOO!!!! xoxo