Monday, December 29, 2008


OK.... so here is a great sequence Case captured from a few weeks ago [obviously, due to the lack of snow out the window]. Rogan is ready to spear someone in the face or neck region, as instructed by her Uncle Ryan. 


So, we started Week 3 of DELAYED INTENSIFICATION today. 
AT HOME: anti pnuemonia / stomach protectant / steroid [twice daily... and tastes awful, so it is a nightmare to administer]
AT CLINIC: IV through her central line: anti-nauesea / VINCRISTINE chemo / DOXORUBICIN chemo.
All that makes you feel like this. GaGa and BingBing are mandatory. Before she was diagnosed, they were restricted to bedtime and car rides only.


She hasn't been looking 100%.... or feeling the best [but it is hard to differentiate a ROID rage from a terrible two's meltdown]. At clinic this morning her CBC [complete blood count] came back with her ANC [bacteria / viral infection fighting white blood cells] dangerously low at a mere 100. See the ANC chart link at the top right... to see where Rogan is VS. where she should be. So, we are back on heightened red alert quarantine mode... doing our best to keep her body and central line clean preventing any bacterial infection... and doing our best to keep her from getting a cold. I wash my hands after each time I shake someone's hand at work and have pump hand sanitizer in the cup holder of my car. Please send Rogan all your positive vibes and help keep us out of the hospital! It's not the end of the world if she does get sick, and we have to go... but we'd rather not.

Here I am with Rogan and Dr Phillip Barnett at clinic last week. He is THE MAN. Can you tell which one of us cuts his own hair? Yikes.


Here is the whole fam. Rogan is saying CHEEEEEESE! and Coco is thinking about her next meal.


While her counts were up last week we made it to the family Christmas party at Papa and Grammer's. Rogan saw her cousins for the first time in a long while... had a little social anxiety, but still had a blast.


Papa and Grammer then made the trip to Park City to spread good cheer.


A very special thanks to our Kamas connection for the Christmas Eve carol.... sorry that we were in our skivies. That meant the world and Rogan thought it was cute and funny. Anything interesting that makes her smile or laugh is "cute and funny". We all cried when you left. Thank you.

The Christmas bomb went off at our house early... lasted all day... and the shrapnel remained for 48 hours.

The girls wore matching PJ's.... and Rogan had an amazing day. Out the window is about 10 minutes after the latest shoveling!



Here is Rogan jamming to her iPod. We bought this, loaded it with select Reggae and good inspiration for my father, when he was in the hospital. I haven't touched it or altered it's contents since then. It is now hers. Casey framed a old pic of him for above her change table... a cool grainy, old black & white of him on a tricycle when he was about Rogan's age. You can ask her "where's Papa" and she'll say "umrighder" [umm right there] and point.

October, 2007:


April, 2003:


I hate cancer. Here is some history:

The word cancer came from the father of medicine, Hippocrates, a Greek physician (460-370 B.C.), considered the "Father of Medicine." Hippocrates used the Greek words, carcinos and carcinoma to describe tumors, thus calling cancer "karkinos." The Greek terms actually were words to describe a crab, which Hippocrates thought a tumor resembled. Although Hippocrates may have named "Cancer," he was certainly not the first to discover the disease. The history of cancer actually begins much earlier. Cancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited, do not invade or metastasize. Most cancers form a tumor but some, like leukemia, do not. The branch of medicine concerned with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer is oncology.


Chelsea said...

It looks like you had a good Christmas I am so glad, coco is getting so big we can't wait to meet her. we wish you all the best in the new year!

ishybeanie said...

i hate cancer too, it has touched to many of my love ones. I can't belive how big Coco is, are you sure you are not giving her the roids:)

kristy clark said...

I love the Family picture. It looks like you are keeping things going as normal as possible in your chaotic world,I love that about you guys. You are all amazing. I wish you all the best in the coming new year.
With Love, Aunt Kris
P.S. Corey, I also love that picture of you and your Dad. It looks like you guys had a great relationship.
Cancer seems to touch the best people.

suzan said...

You guys are doing awesome! I think it is amazing that none of you have been sick with all the crudd that is going around! I also can't believe how big Coco is getting. What a doll!!!
Love you, and always sending you good vibes!

The Clark said...

Why is everyone saying "I can't believe how big Coco is getting." The real questions are "how many acorns is she storing in those cheeks?" & "does she eat bricks for breakfast?" WOW!!! Darling though.

Well thank you for the update. Know we think of you oft & love all of you so much. Here's wishing you a stellar '09!


Beth said...

So happy to see that Christmas hit your home with some normalcy. "Chaos". My prayers are with you that you will all avoid the wintertime crud that goes around. May 2009 bring you happiness and healthy days.
Hugs and Kisses :)

Weston said...

Thanks again for the update. We missed you guys at the Christmas party - the white elephant exchange just wasn't the same.

barbchuck said...

Thank you for your Christmas update. I always look forward to seeing and hearing how your beautiful family is doing and what you are doing. How nice for everyone that you were able to get out for Christmas! I loved the group shot of all the little ones. I am amazed each time I read your blog how positive you two are. This must be harder than any of us can imagine, and yet you keep your wonderful positivity.

Anonymous said...

Casey and Corey my thoughts and prayers are with you guys and Rogan right now! I just got an update today and want you to know I am thinking of you guys! Andrea